To change Link color we use css in the tag
example :-
<a href="link" style="text-decoration:none; color:green;>Text</a>
Now Give A Link To Any Folder Where I Have Given Link In the tag. if we want to give a link to webpage.we should give http://. the give the text which you want to give in Text written part of the html tag. if you want to give different color change the color from green to any other color.
example :-
<a href="link" style="text-decoration:none; color:green;>Text</a>
Now Give A Link To Any Folder Where I Have Given Link In the tag. if we want to give a link to webpage.we should give http://. the give the text which you want to give in Text written part of the html tag. if you want to give different color change the color from green to any other color.